A guideline for lifestyle interventions to prevent pregnancy induced hypertension

Title: A guideline for lifestyle interventions to prevent pregnancy induced hypertension
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Prevention
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Gynecologists, nurses, midwives, community health workers, pregnant women and their families
Evidence classification method: During the development of this guide, we will use the grade tool to quality evaluation, formation and reporting advice on the intervention system evaluation, forming and reporting the recommended advice, the quality of the evidence is high, low, and very low. Evidence evaluations were used to evaluate quality research system using CERQUAL approach and graded the recommended opinion. The methodology quality of system evaluation and Meta analysis is evaluated by using AMSTAR (Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews). Apply AGREEII for quality evaluation of the included guidelines.
Development unit: Southern Medical University
Registration time: 2021-09-27
Registration number: IPGRP-2021CN310
Purpose of the guideline: Gestational hypertension is an idiopathic disease during pregnancy and the second leading cause of maternal death. Pregnancy complications with hypertension, edema and proteinuria as the main manifestations after 20 weeks of pregnancy. With the development of the disease, preeclampsia and eclampsia will occur. Pregnancy induced hypertension seriously affects the health of mothers and infants, which can lead to maternal coma, convulsions and even death, placental abruption, increased postpartum hemorrhage and cesarean section rate, which can lead to fetal growth restriction and even death. Prevention and control of gestational hypertension are important intervention measures to improve maternal and infant outcomes. Lifestyle interventions to prevent pregnancy induced hypertension include health education, diet adjustment, intensive exercise, psychological guidance, etc. There are no standardized guidelines for lifestyle interventions to prevent pregnancy induced hypertension in China and abroad. Therefore, actively promoting the formulation of the guide plays an important role in preventing pregnancy induced hypertension and improving the prognosis of mothers and infants.