Guidelines for Non-pharmacological Methods of induction of labour for post-term pregnancy

Title: Guidelines for Non-pharmacological Methods of induction of labour for post-term pregnancy
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Obstetrician, nurses, midwives, post-term pregnancy maternal
Evidence classification method: During the development of this guide, we will use the grade tool to quality evaluation, formation and reporting advice on the intervention system evaluation, forming and reporting the recommended advice, the quality of the evidence is high, low, and very low. Evidence evaluations were used to evaluate quality research system using CERQUAL approach and graded the recommended opinion. The methodology quality of system evaluation and Meta analysis is evaluated by using AMSTAR (Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews). Apply AGREEII for quality evaluation of the included guidelines.
Development unit: Southern Medical University
Registration time: 2021-09-30
Registration number: IPGRP-2021CN312
Purpose of the guideline: Prolonged pregnancy is defined as one that extends beyond 42 weeks (294 days) after the first day of the last menstrual period (Menstruation), or birth with gestational age of 41 weeks or more. There is a significant increase in the rate of cesarean section and in the risk of,stillbirth, neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in prolonged pregnancy.If a cesarean section is performed, the baby will face the risk of surgical injury, respiratory problems: the mother will face the risk of anesthesia response, infection, bleeding, surgical organ damage.Labor induction is the stimulation of uterine contractions during pregnancy before labor begins on its own to achieve a vaginal birth.Non-pharmacological methods of induction of labour  include balloon catheter or Foley catheter,membrane sweeping or membrane stripping, amniotomy, acupuncture, nipple stimulation, intercourse,castor oil, bath, and/or enema,hypnotic relaxation.There are no standardized guidelines for non-drug intervention at home and abroad, so actively promoting the formulation of the guidance plays an important role in reducing the rate of cesarean section and improving maternal and infant outcomes.