
标题: 医疗、医保、医药协同发展和治理专家共识
title: Expert Consensus on the Coordinated Development and Governance of Healthcare, Health Insurance, and Pharmaceuticals
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 综合
field: Comprehensive guideline
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 医疗卫生机构、医保机构、医药卫生等领域工作人员、管理者及科研人员
Guide users: Healthcare institutions, health insurance agencies, and professionals, managers, and researchers in the fields of healthcare and pharmaceuticals.
证据分级方法: Grade
Evidence grading method: Grade
制定单位: 清华大学健康中国研究院、健康中国研究网络
Formulating unit: Institute for Healthy China, Tsinghua University, and Healthy China Research Network.
注册时间: 2024-08-26
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN324
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 聚焦促进医保、医疗、医药协同发展和治理是深化医药卫生体制改革的重点工作任务之一。然而目前对于医疗、医保、医药协同发展和治理的内涵、目标、内容、路径等尚不明确。基于此背景,清华大学健康中国研究院、健康中国研究网络组织全国多学科专家,在结合国内外文献基础上,经过多轮专家研讨,旨在形成《医疗、医保、医药协同发展和治理专家共识》,内容包括:医疗、医保、医药协同发展和治理的基本内涵、目标、逻辑层次、理念、核心要素、推荐建议等,以期为促进医保、医疗、医药协同发展和治理的有效科学实施提供专家建议与参考依据。 、
Purpose of the guideline: Focusing on promoting the coordinated development and governance of health insurance, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals is one of the key tasks in deepening the reform of the healthcare system. However, the connotations, objectives, content, and pathways of this coordinated development and governance are not yet clearly defined. Against this backdrop, the Institute for Healthy China at Tsinghua University and the Healthy China Research Network organized multidisciplinary experts from across the country. Based on a review of domestic and international literature and after multiple rounds of expert discussions, they aim to develop the "Expert Consensus on the Coordinated Development and Governance of Healthcare, Health Insurance, and Pharmaceuticals." This document includes the basic connotations, objectives, logical framework, principles, core elements, and recommended suggestions for the coordinated development and governance of healthcare, health insurance, and pharmaceuticals. The goal of this expert consensus is to provide expert advice and reference points to support the effective and scientifically sound implementation of coordinated development and governance in these areas.