Clinical practise guideline of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine therapies for insomnia rehabilitation

Title: Clinical practise guideline of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine therapies for insomnia rehabilitation
Edition: Original
Classification: Traditional Chinese Medicine guideline
Field: Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: This guideline will be mainly suitable to TCM physicians, rehabilitation physicians and rehabilitation therapises.
Evidence classification method: The GRADE system will be used for rating the evidence. The certainty of evidence is classified as very low, low, moderate and high and the recommendation level is classified as strong and weak recommendation.
Development unit: Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Registration time: 2024-06-13
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN207
Purpose of the guideline: The World Health Organization (WHO) 2030 Rehabilitation Program aims to provide accessible and affordable rehabilitation services to the world to improve the health of all ages, and has now become one of the goals of the WHO's basic medical coverage. However, in LMICs, rehabilitation treatment still fails to meet the needs of local populations. To better implement the program, more traditional clinical practice guidelines for complementary integrated therapies will be developed under the leadership of the WHO Traditional Integrated Medical Services Center to provide more evidence-based and accessible affordable treatment program services "2030 Rehabilitation Program". Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as the unit of WHO Traditional Medicine Cooperation Center, led the formulation of the series of guidelines for rehabilitation of traditional Chinese medicine and integrated Chinese and Western medicine. The Clinical practise guideline of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine therapies for insomnia rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as the guide) is the second part of the series. We established a multidisplinary guideline development group, which involved traditional Chinese and western medicine experts, rehabilitation experts, methodologists, health economists, based on the world health organization handbook for guideline development, Guidance of China formulate / revised clinical guidelines (2022 edition). This guideline aims to provide reference for Chinese medicine doctors, rehabilitation doctors and rehabilitation therapists at all levels of integrated traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine to treat insomnia, and improve the dysfunction and quality of life of insomnia patients.