Respiratory syncytial virus infection in children patient guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention in China

Title: Respiratory syncytial virus infection in children patient guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention in China
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Patients with childhood respiratory infections and their family members and related caregivers engaged in respiratory infections related to children at all levels and in all types of institutions.
Evidence classification method: The quality of evidence was graded using the GRADE system,which was divided into four levels: high,medium,low and very low; The recommendation divided into: strong recommendation and weak recommendation. The GRADE process considered five downgrading factors including risk of bias, consistency, precision, publication bias, indirectness, and three escalation factors including large effect size, confounding factor bias, and dose effect. Presentation of evidence through a summary of evidence table/figure.
Development unit: Chinese Medicine Education Association Committee on Pediatrics
Registration time: 2023-08-15
Registration number: PREPARE-2023CN612
Purpose of the guideline: To provide evidence-based medical evidence for the prevention and treatment of children with RSV infection, guide children and their family members in observation, care, and prevention.