Multidisciplinary consensus on hepatic encephalopathy prevention and treatment by antibacterial drugs

Title: Multidisciplinary consensus on hepatic encephalopathy prevention and treatment by antibacterial drugs
Edition: Original
Classification: Experts consensus
Field: Comprehensive guideline
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Clinicians
Evidence classification method: GRADE
Development unit: Multidisciplinary Task Force for hepatic encephalopathy prevention and treatment by antibacterial drugs
Registration time: 2022-09-15
Registration number: PREPARE-2022CN601
Purpose of the guideline: Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is mostly induced by infection. Internal inflammation can be caused by intestinal bacterial translocation or elevated endotoxin levels, even without evident infectious lesions. Therefore, the treatment principals of HE are supposed to be, timely removal of triggers, elimination of internal inflammation, regulation of intestinal flora, and restoration of intestinal homeostasis. This article is to provide recommended suggestions for clinical usage of antibacterial drugs and intestinal microbiota preparations including rifamycins, minoglycosides and nitroimidazoles in management of HE.