
标题: 中国儿童登革热诊断、治疗与预防专家共识(2024年版)
title: Chinese expert consensus on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dengue fever in children (2024 version)
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 综合
field: Comprehensive guideline
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 本共识的适用人群为各级医疗机构,包括社区卫生服务中心、妇幼保健机构中儿内科、新生儿内科、社康全科医护人员。
Guide users: This consensus is applicable to medical institutions at all levels, including community health service centers, maternal and child health care institutions in the department of Pediatrics, neonatal internal medicine, social health and general medical staff.
证据分级方法: 检索 PubMed、Web of Science、EMBASE、The Cochrane Library、中华医学知识库、万方数据库、中国知网、中国生物医学文献数据库等医学数据库至 2024年8月31日的儿童登革热相关文献,文献采用英国牛津大学循证医学中心证据分级和推荐标准(2011年版)进行证据评估。
Evidence grading method: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, The Cochrane Library, Chinese medical knowledge base, wanfang database, cnki and Chinese biomedical literature database for articles related to dengue fever in children untill August 31,2024.The literature was evaluated using University of Oxford Center for evidence-based medicine evidence classification and recommendation (2011 edition)
制定单位: 中华医学会儿科学分会感染学分组、中华儿科杂志编委会、徐翼
Formulating unit: Chinese Journal of Pediatrics Editorial Board, Chinese Society of Pediatrics, Chinese Medical Association,Xu Yi
注册时间: 2024-10-17
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN850
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 世界卫生组织(WHO)发布的登革热诊治指南主要是基于高流行地区儿童群体的研究,而我国国内缺乏儿童登革热诊疗的共识及指南,为更好地保护儿童健康,规范儿童登革热的临床诊疗工作。
Purpose of the guideline: The guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) are mainly based on the studies of the children in the high-endemic areas, while the consensus and guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever in children are lacking in our country, to standardize the clinical diagnosis and treatment of dengue fever in children.