Guidelines for screening, evaluation, and diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder in children

Title: Guidelines for screening, evaluation, and diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder in children
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Comprehensive guideline
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Clinicians, nurses, technicians (such as psychotherapists, rehabilitation therapists, psychological counselors) and teaching and scientific research in children's health care, developmental and behavioral pediatrics, psychiatric psychology and other disciplines in hospitals and health care institutions at all levels. At the same time, as a public health, education and mental health institutions engaged in relevant practice and research professionals
Evidence classification method: Evidence classification and recommendation strength of Oxford University
Development unit: Developmental Coordination Disorder Group of Pediatric Rehabilitation Committee of China Association Rehabilitation Medicine
Registration time: 2024-10-17
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN869
Purpose of the guideline: Provide uniform standards and assessment tools for developmental-behavioral pediatricians, child health, and child psychiatrists to identify priority monitoring populations, early screening, and diagnosis