
标题: 西罗莫司在系统性红斑狼疮中应用的中国专家共识
title: Chinese expert consensus on the use of Sirolimus in systemic lupus erythematosus
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 治疗
field: Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 风湿免疫科医师、肾内科医师、临床药师及参与系统性红斑狼疮诊疗和管理的专业人员
Guide users: Rheumatology immunologists, nephrologists, clinical pharmacists and professionals involved in the diagnosis, treatment and management of systemic lupus erythematosus
证据分级方法: 牛津循证医学中心证据分级 2011 版
Evidence grading method: Oxford Center for Evidence⁃ Based Medicine(OCEBM)2011 Levels of Evidence
制定单位: 国家皮肤与免疫疾病临床医学研究中心(NCRC),中国医师协会风湿免疫科医师分会
Formulating unit: National Clinical Medical Research Center for Skin and Immune Diseases (NCRC), Rheumatology and Immunology Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
注册时间: 2024-07-23
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN044
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 系统性红斑狼疮是一种累及多器官、多系统的自身免疫性疾病,传统治疗的标化死亡率仍显著高于普通人群,临床存在疾病缓解率低、复发率高、药物不良反应导致器官损伤等诸多问题。近年来越来越多临床研究发现,mTORi治疗SLE可有效降低疾病活动度、减少激素用量,且用药相对安全,无严重不良事件报道。为了更好地为应用西罗莫司治疗系统性红斑狼疮提供参考,国家皮肤与免疫疾病临床医学研究中心、中国医师协会风湿免疫科医师分会组织国内经验丰富的相关领域专家,结合已发表的国内外研究进展,经广泛征求意见,共同制订本专家共识。
Purpose of the guideline: Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease involving multiple organs and systems. The standardized mortality rate of SLE in traditional treatment is still significantly higher than that of the general population, with many clinical problems such as low remission rate, high recurrence rate, and organ damage caused by adverse drug reactions. In recent years, more and more clinical studies have found that mTORi can effectively reduce disease activity and hormone dosage in the treatment of SLE, and is relatively safe with no serious adverse events reported. In order to provide a better reference for the application of sirolimus in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, the National Clinical Medical Research Center for Skin and Immune Diseases and the Rheumatology and Immunology Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association organized experienced domestic experts in related fields, combined with published domestic and foreign research progress, and jointly formulated this expert consensus after extensive consultation.