
标题: 超声引导微波/射频消融子宫肌瘤临床应用指南
title: Guidelines for the clinical application of ultrasound-guided microwave/radiofrequency ablation of uterine fibroids
版本: 更新版
version: Updated
分类: 标准指南
classification: Standard guideline
领域: 治疗
field: Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 介入医师、妇科医师、超声医师
Guide users: Interventional physicians, gynecologists, sonographers
证据分级方法: 牛津循证医学中心临床研究证据分级(2011年版,GRADE系统的指导原则
Evidence grading method: Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Clinical Research Evidence Grading
制定单位: 中华医学会超声分会 中国研究型医院学会肿瘤介入专业委员会,中国医师协会介入医师分会肿瘤消融专业委员会
Formulating unit: Ultrasound Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Tumor Interventional Professional Committee of Chinese Research Hospital Association, Tumor Ablation Professional Committee of Interventional Physician Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
注册时间: 2024-07-09
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN978
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 规范超声引导微波/射频消融治疗子宫肌瘤的临床应用,包括适应证、禁忌证、操作方法及操作流程等
Purpose of the guideline: To standardize the clinical application of ultrasound-guided microwave/radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of uterine fibroids, including indications, contraindications, operation methods and procedures