
标题: 中国重症量化脑电图监测专家共识
title: Expert consensus on severe quantitative EEG monitoring of China
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 具有一定脑电基础知识背景的重症医护团队。
Guide users: Intensive care team with basic knowledge of EEG.
证据分级方法: 等级I(高等级) 高质量的随机对照临床研究(RCT)、权威指南以及高质量系统综述和 meta分析 等级II(中等级) 有一定研究局限性的 RCT研究(如无隐藏分组、未设盲、未报告失访)、队列研究、病例系列研究及病例对照研究 等级III(低等级) 病例报道、专家意见
Evidence grading method: Grade I (High) high-quality randomized controlled clinical studies (RCTS), authoritative guidelines, and high-quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses Grade II (medium) RCT studies with certain research limitations (e.g. no hidden grouping, no blindness, no reported loss of follow-up), cohort studies, case series studies, and case control studies Grade III (low grade) case report, expert opinion
制定单位: 中南大学湘雅医院重症医学科
Formulating unit: Department of Critical Care Medicine, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University
注册时间: 2024-06-14
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN818
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 在脑功能存在障碍的重症患者中,量化脑电图监测能够直接反映脑电变化情况,捕捉特征病理样波,评价脑血流的充足性,协助评估意识改变患者的预后,从而早期预警患者出现的脑功能异常,实时在床旁反映患者脑功能的状态,为医护人员提供实时的监测和预警信息,在CT和MRI作用有限时,能够提供脑功能异常的核心信息,有助于及时诊断和准确治疗患者。此外,这些数据还可以为科研人员提供研究基础,探究神经系统疾病的发生机制和治疗方法,从而为疾病的防治提供更加科学、准确的依据。 重症量化脑电图是重症医护人员必须要掌握的医疗技术,重症医护团队均应独立具备量化脑电上机、实时解读、排障以及下机的能力。它为重症患者的监测和治疗提供了非常重要的支持,是重症干预中不可或缺的一部分。考虑到目前国内重症量化脑电图监测中同质性的欠缺,为了更好的指导相关医务从业者进行临床实践,规范以及细化量化脑电图的操作以及解读,尽可能的扩展量化脑电的应用范围,特制定本专家共识。
Purpose of the guideline: In severe patients with brain dysfunction, quantitative EEG monitoring can directly reflect EEG changes, capture characteristic pathology-like waves, evaluate the adequacy of cerebral blood flow, and assist in assessing the prognosis of patients with altered consciousness, so as to provide early warning of brain function abnormalities in patients, reflect the state of brain function of patients in real time at the bedside, and provide real-time monitoring and warning information for medical staff. When the function of CT and MRI is limited, it can provide the core information of abnormal brain function, which is conducive to timely diagnosis and accurate treatment of patients. In addition, these data can also provide a research basis for researchers to explore the pathogenesis and treatment of nervous system diseases, so as to provide a more scientific and accurate basis for disease prevention and treatment. Icu quantified EEG is a medical technology that must be mastered by ICU medical staff. Icu medical team should have the ability of quantified EEG on machine, real-time interpretation, obstacle removal and off machine independently. It provides very important support for the monitoring and treatment of critically ill patients and is an integral part of critical intervention. Considering the lack of homogeneity in the current domestic quantitative EEG monitoring in severe cases, this expert consensus is formulated in order to better guide relevant medical practitioners to carry out clinical practice, standardize and refine the operation and interpretation of quantitative EEG, and expand the application scope of quantitative EEG as much as possible.