
标题: 经皮穿刺脊髓电刺激治疗痛性糖尿病神经病变中国专家共识(2024)
title: Chinese Expert Consensus on Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 本共识使用者为从事SCS治疗PDN的相关临床医生,包括疼痛科、内分泌科、神经外科、神经内科、全科等。
Guide users: This Consensus is intended for clinical doctors involved in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN) with spinal cord stimulation (SCS), including those in the departments of pain management, endocrinology, neurosurgery, neurology, and general practice.
证据分级方法: 高(A) 进一步研究也不可能改变该疗效评估结果的可信度 中(B) 进一步研究很可能影响该疗效评估结果的可信度,且可能改变该评估结果 低(C) 进一步研究极有可能影响该疗效评估结果的可信度,且该评估结果很可能改变 极低(D) 任何疗效评估结果都很不确定 强推荐(1) 一致同意(支持意见≥80%) 弱推荐(2) 基本一致共识,争议小(支持意见60%~80%) 无共识(3) 无共识且争议大(支持意见<60%)
Evidence grading method: High (A) - Further research is unlikely to change the confidence in the efficacy assessment results. Moderate (B) - Further research is likely to affect the confidence in the efficacy assessment results and may change the assessment results. Low (C) - Further research is very likely to affect the confidence in the efficacy assessment results, and the assessment results are likely to change. Very Low (D) - Any efficacy assessment results are very uncertain. Strong Recommendation (1) - Unanimous agreement (supporting opinions ≥80%). Weak Recommendation (2) - Basic consensus with minor disagreements (supporting opinions 60% to 80%). No Consensus (3) - No consensus with significant disagreements (supporting opinions <60%).
制定单位: 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院;中国医师协会神经调控专业委员会
Formulating unit: Chinese Neuromodulation Society;School of Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University
注册时间: 2024-06-09
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN773
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 为促进SCS操作技术的规划化和标准化,中国医师协会神经调控专业委员会联合相关临床经验丰富的国内外专家,基于目前已有的文献证据病结合我国的临床实践,共同制定《脊髓电刺激治疗痛性糖尿病神经病变中国专家共识(2024)》,保证其临床疗效的同时最大限度减少不良反应的发生。
Purpose of the guideline: To promote the standardization and regularization of Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) techniques, the Chinese Neuromodulation Society, in collaboration with experienced domestic and international experts, has formulated the "Chinese Expert Consensus on Spinal Cord Stimulation for Painful Diabetic Neuropathy (2024)". This Consensus is based on existing literature evidence and the clinical practice in China, aiming to ensure clinical efficacy while minimizing the occurrence of adverse reactions.