Consensus of Chinese Experts on Molecular Detection of Gliomas

Title: Consensus of Chinese Experts on Molecular Detection of Gliomas
Edition: Original
Classification: Experts consensus
Field: Diagnosis
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Neuropathologist
Evidence classification method: The evaluation, formulation, and evaluation (GRADE) method for reference recommendation levels is divided into "strongly recommended" and "recommended". Among them, opinions with more than two-thirds of the votes cast by the expert group for "strongly agree" are considered "strongly recommended", and opinions with more than two-thirds of the votes cast by the expert group for "strongly agree"+"basically agree" are considered "recommended". Otherwise, consensus will not be reached.
Development unit: Neuropathology Group, Chinese society of pathology
Registration time: 2024-06-21
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN855
Purpose of the guideline: For a long time, the pathological diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) tumors were based on histology, playing an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis evaluation of CNS tumors. Since the publicaition of the fifth edition of the WHO classification for central nervous system tumors in 2021, an increasing number of molecular signatures have been incorporated into the pathological integrated diagnosis of gliomas, becoming an indispensable part of daily pathological diagnosis. The application of integrated diagnosis and molecular signatures plays an important role in improving the objectivity and reproducibility of neuropathological diagnosis, improving individualized treatment, promoting clinical trials and basic research, but it also brings huge challenges to daily pathological diagnosis practice; The relevant molecular signaturess involve various forms of genetic variation, and there are differences in the results of different detection methods. There is a lack of expert consensus on the scope, technical limitations, and detection pathways of molecular detection for gliomas. Therefore, this consensus is jointly initiated and developed by experts in neuropathology and molecular pathology with rich theoretical and practical experience, aiming to provide comprehensive guidance and suggestions for the precise pathological diagnosis and treatment of gliomas.