The clinical guideline for diagnosis and treatment of patellar instability

Title: The clinical guideline for diagnosis and treatment of patellar instability
Edition: Original
Classification: Experts consensus
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Orthopedic and sports medicine doctors
Evidence classification method: Improved Delphi Evidence Grading Method
Development unit: the second affiliated hospital of harbin medical university
Registration time: 2024-01-09
Registration number: PREPARE-2024CN146
Purpose of the guideline: Patellar instability is a common joint disease among adolescent. In grassroots hospitals in China, there are often problems such as weak patient awareness, improper selection of treatment methods, delayed treatment timing, and even missed or misdiagnosed diagnoses. There is currently a lack of consensus in China on the standardized diagnosis and treatment of patellar instability. In this context, we have developed this consensus to promote standardized diagnosis and treatment of patellar instability by clinical doctors.