
标题: 中国难治性垂体瘤诊治专家共识
title: Experts consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of refractory pituitary adenomas in China
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
Guide users:
证据分级方法: 利用GRADE系统对证据质量进行分级,共分为高、中、低、极低4个等级。
Evidence grading method: The GRADE system will be used to grade the quality of evidence, which will be divided into four grades: high, medium, low and very low.
制定单位: 中国医学科学院,北京协和医院
Formulating unit: Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
注册时间: 2023-11-27
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN962
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 垂体瘤是颅内最常见的肿瘤之一,多数表现为良性肿瘤的生长特性,通过手术和(或)药物治疗,大部分患者可获得治愈。然而,少部分垂体瘤在影像学上呈侵袭性生长,较一般肿瘤生长快速,对手术、药物治疗及放射治疗等常规治疗有抵抗性,常在术后早期复发或再生长,此类肿瘤被称为难治性垂体瘤。2018年1月欧洲内分泌学会颁布了《难治性垂体腺瘤/垂体腺癌诊治指南》,旨在为难治性垂体腺瘤和垂体腺癌的诊断、治疗和随访,提供规范的临床指导。但其存在诊断标准不甚清晰等不足之处,该病治疗仍是一个世界性的难题,故本协作组制定《中国难治性垂体瘤诊治专家共识》,以规范难治性垂体瘤的诊疗。
Purpose of the guideline: Pituitary adenoma is a prevalent intracranial neoplasm, with the majority displaying benign growth characteristics. The application of surgical intervention and/or pharmacological treatment typically results in successful remission for most patients. Nevertheless, a subset of pituitary adenomas demonstrates invasive growth patterns on imaging, exhibiting accelerated proliferation rates compared to typical tumors, and displaying resistance to conventional therapeutic modalities including surgery, pharmacotherapy, and radiation therapy. These refractory pituitary adenomas frequently exhibit early recurrence or regrowth following surgical intervention. In January 2018, the European Endocrine Society released the "European Society of Endocrinology Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of aggressive pituitary tumors and carcinomas" with the objective of establishing standardized clinical recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of refractory pituitary adenoma and pituitary adenocarcinoma. Nonetheless, certain deficiencies, such as ambiguous diagnostic criteria, persist, and the management of this condition remains a global challenge. Consequently, our collaborative group will develop the "Experts consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of refractory pituitary adenomas in China" to address these issues.