
标题: 肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎超声检查专家共识
title: Expert consensus on ultrasonic examination of granulomatous lobular mastitis
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊断
field: Diagnosis
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 影像科医生及技师、超声科医生及技师、外科医生和妇科医生
Guide users: Radiologist, Sonographer, Surgeon, and Gynaecologist
证据分级方法: 1a. 基于 RCT的系统评价 有同质性 1b. 单个 RCT研究 1c. "全或无" (阳性诊断占主导,排除了阴性诊断) 2a. 基于队列研究的系统评价 有同质性 2b. 单个队列研究 (包括低质量 RCT 如 < 80%随访) 3a. 基于病例对照研究的系统评价 有同质性 3b. 单个病例对照研究 4. 病例报道(低质量队列研究 ) 5. 专家意见或评论
Evidence grading method: 1a. systematic reviews (with homogeneity)of RCTs 1b. individual RCT 1c. all or none(positive diagnoses predominate, ruling out negative diagnoses) 2a. systematic reviews (with homogeneity)of cohort studies 2b. individual cohort study (including low quality RCT, e.g., < 80% follow up) 3a. systematic reviews (with homogeneity)of case-control studies 3b. individual case-control study 4. case series (and poor quality cohort and case-control studies) 5. expert opinions and comments
制定单位: 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院
Formulating unit: Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
注册时间: 2023-06-23
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN424
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 1.明确肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎超声检查应用的条件; 2.规范肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎超声检查的方法; 3.制定标准化的肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎超声术语,梳理诊断思路; 4.总结高频超声在肉芽肿性小叶性乳腺炎的临床应用及常见鉴别诊断相关疾病的高频超声表现。
Purpose of the guideline: 1. To define the application conditions of ultrasonic examination for granulomatous lobular mastitis; 2. Standardize the ultrasonic examination method for granulomatous lobular mastitis; 3. Develop standardized ultrasonic terms for granulomatous lobular mastitis and develop diagnostic ideas; 4. To summarize the clinical application of high-frequency ultrasound in granulomatous lobular mastitis and the manifestations of common differential diagnosis-related diseases of high-frequency ultrasound.