EPG Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline for the management of Faltering Growth in children

标题: EPG Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline for the management of Faltering Growth in children
版本: 改编版
分类: 标准指南
领域: 综合
国家和地区: 埃及
指南使用者: Pediatricians, Pediatric Gastroenterologists, Pediatric Endocrinologists, Clinical Pharmacists, Nurses, Clinical Dietitians at University Hospitals, and Ministry of Health (MOH) Governmental and private hospitals at secondary and tertiary care levels.
证据分级方法: The 'Formal' Guideline Adaptation Process (Wang et al 2018) followed by the EPG is the 'Adapted ADAPTE' (Amer et al 2015) that includes three phases (set up, adaptation, and finalization). Critical appraisal or quality assessment or evaluation of the eligible source original guidelines is conducted by using the AGREE II Instrument. The rating system for the hierarchy of evidence will follow the same system of the original guideline(s) with their permission.
制定单位: Egyptian Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee (EPG)
注册时间: 2023-04-03
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN233
指南制订的目的: This CPG aims to produce evidence-based recommendations for the best practice in the diagnosis and treatment of Faltering Growth in children.