Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of children's precocious puberty in integrative medicine practice

Title: Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of children's precocious puberty in integrative medicine practice
Edition: Original
Classification: Experts consensus
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users:
Evidence classification method: Delphi Grade Standard Recommended Level A Supported by at least 2 GradeⅠresearch results B Only supported by one GradeⅠresearch result C Only supported by GradeⅡresearch results D Supported by at least one Grade III research result E Only supported by Grade IV or V research results Research Classification Ⅰ Large sample size, randomized study, clear results, low false positive or false negative errors Ⅱ Small sample size, randomized study, inconclusive results, high false positive and/or false negative errors Ⅲ non-randomized, concurrent controlled study IV Nonrandomized, historical controls and expert opinion Ⅴ Case report, uncontrolled study and expert opinion
Development unit: Children's Hospital of Fudan University
Registration time: 2021-10-06
Registration number: IPGRP-2021CN318
Purpose of the guideline: