
标题: 成人支气管哮喘中西医结合康复指南
title: Rehabilitation Guidelines of integrated Chinese and Western medicine for asthma in adults
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 中医药指南
classification: Traditional Chinese Medicine guideline
领域: 预后
field: Prognosis
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 临床医生、科研人员、患者
Guide users: Clinicians, researchers, patients
证据分级方法: 1.GRADE 证据质量等级: 高:非常有信心观察值接近真实值,进一步的研究不太可能改变观察值的可信度。 中:真实值可能与观测值接近,但两者之间仍有可能存在差异,进一步的研究可能会改变观察的可信度,并可能改变结果的观察。 低:对观察的置信度有限:真实值可能与观察有很大差异,进一步的研究很可能改变观察的可信度,很可能改变观察的结果。 极低:对观测值几乎没有信心:真实值很可能与观测值不同,真实值可能与观测值相差很大,观测值的结果非常不确定。 2.推荐意见:通过前期研究,根据临床实际情况,通过证据检索、核心小组、专家讨论等方式筛选出本指南,确定最终的临床问题。根据证据、组合成本、患者偏好和价值观形成相应的推荐,并根据证据质量和推荐强度对所有推荐进行分级。采用德尔菲法进行两轮专家共识,并根据专家建议进行修改。经过临床前调查、专家讨论、证据检索与筛选、专家共识等环节,最终形成推荐意见。
Evidence grading method: 1.GRADE evidence quality rating: high-very confident that the observations are close to the true values, and further research is unlikely to change the credibility of the observations. Medium-medium confidence in the observed value: the true value may be close to the observed value, but there is still the possibility that there is a difference between the two, and further research may change the credibility of the observation and may change the results of the observation. Low-the degree of confidence in the observation is limited: the real value may be very different from the observation, and further research is very likely to change the credibility of the observation, and is likely to change the results of the observation. Very low-there is little confidence in the observed value: the real value is likely to be different from the observed value, the true value may be very different from the observed value, and the results of the observed value are very uncertain. 2.Recommendation: through preliminary research, this guide is screened according to the actual clinical situation according to evidence retrieval, core group and expert discussion to determine the final clinical problems. The corresponding recommendations are formed based on evidence, combination cost, patient preferences and values, and all recommendations are graded according to evidence quality and recommendation intensity. Delphi method is used for two rounds of expert consensus and revised according to expert suggestions. The recommendation is finally formed after many steps, such as pre-clinical investigation, expert discussion, evidence retrieval and screening, expert consensus and so on.
制定单位: 河南中医药大学第一附属医院
Formulating unit: The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
注册时间: 2023-03-28
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN197
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 对成人哮喘患者的康复技术进行规范指导
Purpose of the guideline: Standardized guidance on rehabilitation techniques for patients with adults