Title: An evidence based Clinical Practice Guideline for exercise prescription in migraine patients
Edition: Original
Classification: Experts consensus
Field: Treatment
Countries and regions: Spain
Guidelines users: Physicians, physical therapists, and conditioning coaches who are used to prescribing exercise for migraine patients.
Evidence classification method: Once the methodological quality and risk of bias assessments were performed, the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) was used for the evaluation of the level of evidence of each study and the development of the grade of recommendation of each exercise intervention. This tool was designed for the development of evidence-based clinical guidelines and it has a series of advantages: the methodological quality of each study determines the level of evidence; guideline developers must consider the generalizability, applicability and consistency of each intervention; the clinical impact of the evidence creates a clear link between the evidence and the recommendation; and grades of recommendation are based on the strength of the supporting evidence, taking into account its overall level and the considered judgment of the guideline developers
Development unit: Institute of Neuroscience and Sciences of Movement (INCIMOV)
Registration time: 2023-01-31
Registration number: PREPARE-2023CN046
Purpose of the guideline: The aim of this clinical practice guideline is to provide a series of recommendations regarding exercise prescription in migraine patients for healthcare and exercise professionals, such as neurologists, physical therapists, and conditioning coaches. Moreover, the intention of this guideline is to provide parameters of practices that could adapt depending on the patients´ characteristics.