Clinical practice guidelines for breast cancer implantable intravenousinfusion ports: Chinese Society of Breast Surgery practice guidelines 2021

Title: Clinical practice guidelines for breast cancer implantable intravenousinfusion ports: Chinese Society of Breast Surgery practice guidelines 2021
Edition: Original
Classification: Standard guideline
Field: Diagnosis and Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: Chinese breast disease specialists.
Evidence classification method: Category I Based on high-level prospective randomized controlled studies, observational studies or meta-analyses of large samples, internationally recognized current guidelines and consensus, published guidelines and consensus of national societies or associations, studies based on Chinese populations published in Science Citation Index (SCI) journals, Medline journals, and Chinese series journals of the above types Category II Based on low-level randomized trials or well-designed uncontrolled trials or cohort studies, intercontinental industry association guidelines and expert consensus from international conferences, published guidelines and consensus from domestic regional societies or associations, published in Peking University core journals for the above studies based on Chinese populations Category III Based on case-control studies, retrospective studies, published guidelines and consensus by national industry associations and provincial societies or associations in China, published in core statistical source journals based on the above types of studies in Chinese populations Category IV Studies of the above type based on Chinese populations published in non-core journals from case reports, scientific hypotheses, regional expert consensus in each country, and published guidelines and consensus of local societies or associations in China
Development unit: the Chinese Society of Breast Surgery (CSBrS) of the Chinese Medical Association
Registration time: 2021-06-07
Registration number: IPGRP-2021CN153
Purpose of the guideline: To standardize the clinical application of implantable intravenous (IV) ports, the Chinese Society of Breast Surgery (CSBrS) of the Chinese Medical Association hasidentified the key clinical issues through literature researchand expert discussion and evaluated the relevant evidencewith reference to the grading of recommendations assessment, development, and evaluation. The CSBrS formulated the clinical practice guidelines to provide a reference for physicians specializing in breast cancer and other fields.